The basics of parallel parking

Once you’re ready, you can get started on practising your parallel parking. The best way to learn is by getting the steps down and making sure to have the entire process down.

The process to an exceptional parallel park is:

-Move up and stop next to the car in the space in front of the space you’re aiming to park in – aligning your mirrors. Make sure not to park too close to the car in front so you can manoeuvre correctly.

-While you are still fully stopped from step one, turn your steering wheel full lock towards the parking spot you’re targeting.

-Begin to reverse slowly keeping the steering wheel on full lock, making sure to look for pedestrians in your mirrors.

-When your front tyre is parallel to the back tyre of the car in front, stop and turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction, again to full lock.

-Start reversing slowly again and continue checking for pedestrians.

-When you are straightened up in the space, return your steering wheel to its starting position and make small adjustments until you’re correctly parked in the middle of the parking spot.

-If you’ve followed these steps, you should have just completed a parallel park correctly!!

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